Behold Your Little Ones
By Michael Squires
It came to pass, their little ones, were brought forth
And gathered ‘round Him,
And He knelt, as He began to pray.
No man can write, no heart conceives, no tongue can speak
The marv’lous things He spoke
As He prayed for them that that day.
How great must have been the joy, in every girl and every boy,
As He blessed the children one by one, each and every daughter and every son.
Behold your little ones
The Savior wept, His joy was full, they cast their eyes
Toward the heavens,
They saw angels, armed with fire from above.
This heav’nly host descended, and ministered to
Their little ones
Encircled with fire and with His love.
How great must have been the joy, in every girl and every boy,
As He blessed the children one by one, each and every daughter and every son.
Behold your little ones
How would it be to be a child, at the Savior’s feet
And hear His voice name my name
In a blessing from above?
Would not my heart, in that moment, want to sing
My praise for my Redeemer
And rejoice in His love?
And He knows us one by one, every daughter and every son,
And our hearts fill with His love, with the fire from above.
How great must have been the joy, in every girl and every boy,
As He blessed the children one by one, each and every daughter and every son.
Behold your little ones